• 3800 Reservoir Road | 1st Floor Gorman | Washington, DC 20007
  • 6862 Elm St | Suite 800B | McLean, VA 22101
  • (202) 444-0757
  • Revision Rhinoplasty Decades Later

    Revision Rhinoplasty Decades Later

    This beautiful 68-year-old female presented to my clinic in early 2019 to discuss undergoing a revision rhinoplasty. The patient underwent a rhinoplasty in 1978 and was severely dissatisfied with her nasal appearance for more than 40 years. She was particularly…

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  • Botox and Emotional Expressivity

    Botox and Emotional Expressivity

    New research suggests Botox can impact interpersonal communication. Botox (onabotulinum A) is one member of a class of neurotoxic medications that blocks muscle activation.  Injecting Botox into facial muscles underneath wrinkles causes relaxation of those…

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  • What’s In a Smile?

    What’s In a Smile?

    The purpose of our three primary types of smiles. There are three primary types of smiles: the affiliative smile, the enjoyment smile, and the dominance smile. The affiliative smile involves a simultaneous raising of the corners of the mouth with the formation…

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  • Unmasking Social Interactions

    Unmasking Social Interactions

    Face masks force us to rely on the eyes and foreheads for social cues. Cicero once described the face as a picture of the mind and the eyes as its interpreter. In a world where many aspects of our everyday lives have been altered with limited human exposure…

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