The Aging Paradox: When Cosmetic Procedures Make You Look Older
The pursuit of eternal youth has driven millions to seek out cosmetic procedures in the hopes of turning back the clock. From Botox to fillers, and from fat grafting to fat reduction, the options available are vast, and the promise of a more youthful appearance is tantalizing. However, certain cosmetic procedures may actually have the opposite effect, making some individuals appear older rather than younger.
This cosmetic procedure is aging you: Overuse of Dermal Filler
Dermal fillers are commonly used to restore lost volume in the face, plump up lips, and smooth out wrinkles. When overused, fillers can lead to an unnatural, overly plumped look that distorts the natural contours of the face. This can result in a “puffy” appearance, which paradoxically emphasizes the loss of natural volume and elasticity commonly associated with aging. I typically use Juvaderm Volbella © or Juvaderm Ultra © because they are relatively thin and pliable fillers and blend very well without lumps. While the “pillow face” filters on Instagram and SnapChat are comical, the overfilled appearances of Madonna, Courtney Cox, and Simon Cowell are preventable when specialists use a more conservative approach.
While cosmetic trends are leading to overfilled areas of the face, another trend for removing volume is taking the industry by storm – keep an eye out for the third installment of this mini-series about buccal fat removal!
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