• 3800 Reservoir Road | 1st Floor Gorman | Washington, DC 20007
  • 6862 Elm St | Suite 800B | McLean, VA 22101
  • (202) 444-0757

Chin Augmentation

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(202) 444-0757

3800 Reservoir Rd, 1st Floor Gorman
Washington, DC 20007

6862 Elm St, Suite 800B
McLean, VA 22101

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    At Glance

    Chinaugmentation At A Glance


    Genioplasty, or chin augmentation surgery, can be performed to alter the shape and/or projection of your chin.


    This evaluation involves the assessment of your facial anatomy and desires for improvement. Dr. Reilly will work with you to create a plan that aligns your goals with potential surgical treatments based on your anatomy.

    Chinaugmentation Pre-op Considerations

    Generally, this type of surgery is done to increase the projection of the chin in order to improve harmony with the rest of the face.


    The technique involves first determining the desired degree of chin augmentation. Once a decision has been made about the optimal implant size, a small incision is made either within the mouth or below the chin, and the implant is inserted and secured.

    Post-op Care For Chinaugmentation

    Most patients take one week off work, followed by another week of reduced activity. There will be bruising and swelling for 7-10 days. After 2 weeks, you may resume full activity.

    Before and After Chinaugmentation

    Chinaugmentation Detailed Information


    Mentoplasty, or chin augmentation, is a procedure that may achieve well-balanced facial features. A “weak” chin may cause the nose to appear more prominent or the other facial features to be out of harmony.


    This evaluation involves the assessment of your facial anatomy and desires for improvement. Dr. Reilly will work with you to create a plan that aligns your goals with potential surgical treatments based on your anatomy.

    Chinaugmentation Pre-operative Considerations

    In the vast majority of patients, the desired aesthetic result is readily achieved. However, the possible complications of chin implant surgery include but are not limited to the following:
    Infection, bleeding, swelling, scarring, numbness, skin discoloration, asymmetry, displeasure with the cosmetic outcome, and allergic or other negative reactions to one or more of the medications or substances used in the operation.

    Surgical technique:

    Dr. Reilly can use two approaches to the chin augmentation procedure; he may recommend an incision in the natural crease of your chin, or inside your mouth where the lower lip and gums meet.
    To increase the size of your chin, the skin will gently be stretched while the implant is inserted. The implant feels like tissue found naturally in your body, and they come in various sizes and shapes. Dr. Reilly will discuss with you your specific desires to determine the best shape for your implant. Fine sutures are used to close the incision site. No visible scarring occurs with the approach inside your mouth. If the incision is made under your chin, the scar is typically invisible, as Dr. Reilly uses the natural geography of your face to best disguise the scar. Typically this type of surgery averages 1-2 hours.

    Post Operative Care For Chinaugmentation Procedure

    Arrange for someone to stay with you for the first 24 hours.
    Go to bed and rest, lying on your back, with your head elevated with 2-3 pillows. You should be lying at a 45 degree angle.
    You may be up and around and able to go to the bathroom. You will be able to eat a light meal with assistance.
    Take medication only as directed.
    Some swelling, bruising and tightness of the bandages are a normal occurrence.
    Place ice packs on the sides of the face for the first 48 hours (on for 20 minutes, then off for 20 minutes).
    Keep the incisions moist with petroleum-based ointment. Cover any draining area with bandages. If they loosen, secure them with more tape.

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